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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth and Carol

Day 3 - the Clouds

A lovely day - find somewhere to lie down where you can see the sky!

Going out

Going in

Gavin Pretor-Pinney has written a comprehensive and engaging book about clouds which we recommend to anyone who enjoyed looking at the sky.

Pledge to appreciate the clouds in the sky - this is his manifesto!

Going On

You will have a chance to experience a whole range of clouds if you keep your eyes on the sky from time to time. Here's one you won't see unless you are in one part of Northern Australia - and here is what Gavin Pretor-Pinney (much abridged) has to say about them:

'A few years ago...I came across the photograph of a cloud that was unlike anything I'd seen before. The aerial shot showed an extremely long, smooth tube of low cloud that looked like a while roll of meringue and stretched from horizon to horizon, with clear skies ahead of it and behind...It looked almost too sublime to be grouped with any of the common clouds. Indeed, the photograph's caption explained that it had a name all to itself - the 'Morning Glory'... This can stretch 600 miles...and moves at speeds of up to 35 mph

Doug Christie has come up with the most accepted explanation ..the clouds form in the middle of an enormous 'solitary wave' of air, which often seems to originate over the Cape York an aerial version of the tidal bore that runs up the River Severn...Aboriginal people call it the Yippipee...the cloud that brings the wet season.

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